If I look back at
my life and ask why I feel lucky or what am I proud of in myself - I have
nothing else but my Veganism to lean upon. Yes, I could take no credits as it
is just by chance that I am pushed down to this earth in a very strict
vegetarian family. Again, though I could be proud of being able to maintain a
no fish no meat diet for three and half centuries, that pride is punctured here
and there by the moments of egg diet I had years back.
As this last
Friday of September rolls up in the International circuit as Hug a
Vegetarian/Vegan Day, I feel more resolved to look at myself and move towards a
more Spartan lifestyle. It is time now not just to be a Vegan but to slowly
start taking out the need for taste from my tongue.
One last time savoring their taste buds before they end up among our taste buds |