Run !

RUN We Must.
RUN From the Evils Around,
RUN From the Devils Within,
RUN From the Ignorance,
RUN From the Fear of Impermanence,
RUN We Must...To Reach Out To the Ultimate.

And 2017 gave me a fabulous opportunity to kick-start my dream run. My erstwhile organization TCS sponsored event "Fit4Life" was perfectly set, to say the least! The inspiration from the marathon manager at office, runner friend of native and presence of my wife was just ideal!

On that soothing February morning, I too, among hundreds, ran that 10 km in Kochi. With admiration I saw the professionals hitting the finish within no time, With amusement I saw the giant footed ones simply walk past me when I thought I am running! With blushes I saw chirpy damsels giggle past me laughing their hearts out! And then at the finish line, I found that cute little girl garlanding me with a lovely medal for a lifetime :)

All together it was an experience to be experienced!
And as I finished, I had decided - I am going to Run. Run Forever. Run Silently. Run with Prayers. Run for our Nature. Run for our Earth, Run for my Parents. Run always - into Myself! 

(TCS Fit4Life, 19.Feb.2017, Kochi)

Well Said Nandus!

Dear Parent,

Please make them summarize few lines on the topic -
"How to Help Others" to say this topic in the assembly on Thursday (16.2.17).

And these are the three lines what their parents taught them -

"To Help Others I will Plant Trees.
   I will water them daily.
   Trees will help all of us."

Well Said Nandus!