26.Jan.2023 – Republic Day Run @ Puttumanoor, Puthencruz : It was my first half-marathon of 2023, fifth overall, and first time participation at Puttumanoor RDR. Though I had regular short runs over the past few weeks it was not a prep for this event. Still I felt reasonably confident to complete it well (and push for sub-6?).
But as soon as the run started, it became evident that it is going to be a kind of hill run which only those strong marathon runners can negotiate with ease. My first 5 km went well as per my wish and the 10 km target I pushed to make it at sub-6. But then it started to become difficult and from 15 km onwards it became really tough for me. It was like half-marathon with complimentary “hill repeats”. By the time I lapped into the final kilometers my legs had almost turned into walking-mode with overworked calf muscles giving up in exhaustion – if the legs had hands it would have slapped me Anyways I finished happily strolling into my PB at the finish
Then came the realization - for next two days I walked like a robo with stiff legs
– teaching me the importance of proper practice, preparation and hill-repeats!