10th Day after my Rebirth!

May be I should say, this is the 10th day after I was reborn.
If you wonder what great I have done in the last two weeks to be reborn, here it is –
I did the ritual of waking up daily at 5 am and doing pranayama for 10 minutes. It is as simple as that.

But let me tell you, personally, it was almost impossible for me to be reborn against my three decades of decayed thoughts.
But I did.

I feel cheerful for what I have achieved in these 10 days.
It was easy for me to preach my team or my friends on several nice things we can do in our life.
What was difficult for me was to teach the same principles to my own mind.
Probably I never realized the simple principle that the only thing which I can change in this world is my self alone!
Yes. Now, things are slowly changing. My mind is now taking control of my thoughts and slowly I feel the power of will building up within me.
I feel it slowly building up as the fort against all the negative thoughts. I feel the deep calm, I feel the utmost safety inside my fort in construction.

I thank the supreme power who kindled in me these thoughts through the “Monk who sold his Ferrari”.
Once again, I am thankful to the supreme power for making me read this book at the right time of my life – neither early nor late.

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