That Burning Sensation!

Apr 15, 2015

Time ticks over. Technically, today it has ticked over one more timeframe of an year for me. Celebrating Vishu, Playing Chess and doing nothing specific, the whole day was pretty much relaxing. And then at night while enjoying sparklers and fire flowers with a bunch of kids it happened. I was lighting one fire flower. For no reason, it misbehaved and burst instantly with a loud noise burning my fingers. Idiomatically I have "burnt my fingers" before as well, but literally this was for the first time. I slept with a burning sensation on all my five fingers of my right-hand.

Now philosophically, it was probably a reminder for me. There is not even a day to waste. In fact not even a moment. Anything could happen at any time. The burning sensation was relaying me not to delay. Don't you want to reach that state of true freedom? All those paths are right before you. Work hard. Internalise. Charge yourself and rush towards that right knowledge and true wisdom - without which you are bound to remain a prisoner in this world.

I feel the burning sensation spreading over to my brain.

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